Bordertown From One Teen’s Perspective

By: Emily Crowl Heads up America, a controversial firestorm is approaching. On January 4th, FOX debuted “Bordertown”, a show akin to American Dad and the Simpsons. “Bordertown” focuses on the relations between a Mexican family and a white American family who are neighbors in a fictional town “Mexifornia” that lies on the Mexican/American border. An…

My Experience with the “Bordertown” Family

By Nayeli Medina As I was sitting in my 4th period journalism class, I searched for a subject that interested me enough to write about when my journalism teacher sat down at our group table, and asked us, “Would you guys like to go to a screening for ‘Bordertown?’ Gustavo just tweeted asking for people to…

Is America Ready For Bordertown by Fox?

By Karley Bailey   “Bordertown” is an original animation series created by Mark Hentemann and co-produced by Seth Macfarlane (“Family Guy”). Staff writers include artist, cartoonist and writer, Lalo Alcaraz.   Gustavo Arellano, editor of OC Weekly and author of the book Taco USA, worked as a consultant. This new Fox series introduces a humorous new outlook on the mix of Latino/American…