Teacher/Rider Profile: Larissa Connors and the Endless Work Week

-Dylan Allen Larissa Connors is, undoubtedly, a consummate professional. A full time Algebra and Calculus teacher at Tustin High and a full time professional cyclist for Sho-Air’s RideBiker Alliance, her work week never truly ends. There is of course, the myth perpetuated by non-teachers that “teaching isn’t even a full time job, they get summers…

Tustin’s Got Talent

By Dalyn Baxter From 7 – 8 p.m. on April 16th in Tustin High Schools new Sports Pavilion, the Tustin District put on a district showcase featuring performers from Tustin, Foothill, and Beckman High. The night was filled with talent and thrilling performances as the audience gathered to watch the three high schools put away…