The Little Device

By Tori De La Vega Wake up. Check your phone in hopes that someone cared enough to message you—or simply check out of habit. To your dismay, no messages, but you have the news notifications and those are always good, just not worth your time. You continue on to your morning routine and once you…

The Watch Dogs of Twitter

By Alec Nunez Recently, an undercover video of an investigative journalist group was released to the public exposing social media giant Twitter for their sub rosa monitoring of users. It was revealed that every direct message sent by users are reviewed and cached on a server. No matter the message, Twitter employees can and will…

Television: The Rise of Home Entertainment

By Jair Martinez Ever since the invention of the television, most people spend their time at home watching it. Especially with so many shows, movies, and sports that stream daily, who wouldn’t want to watch TV in their free time? Now, television has surpassed most forms of home entertainment like reading and listening to the…

Hypersomniacs and Addicts, Beware

By Bryan Garcia Do you consider yourself a junkie in some of the things you do? Do you continuously bite your fingernails or do you keep on eating that delicious snack that is located on top of your fridge and just wants more? Or do you perhaps wake up late in the morning only to…

Real-Life Spiderman

By Jair Martinez Swinging through the streets of New York, crawling on buildings, and fighting crime. Who is it? Well it’s no one else but your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! What if you were able to become a real life Spider-Man? With real life web shooters, super strength, and spidey senses. Well what if I told…

Black Mirror – The Dark Side of Technology

By Jason Aquino Humans have relied on technology to help them throughout history, but within the future of technology, uncertainty lies. Everyday, science fiction’s technology has come closer and closer to reality and has always been considered progressive. Black Mirror, a television show on BBC, deviates from other sci-fi shows by depicting the possible dangers…

Technology: Another Millennial-monger

By Emily Crowl I walk into class, clutching my cellphone. As the minutes tick by I put my phone on my desk—face-up for easy access—and pull out my laptop to web browse, or just idly flip through my tabs from the day before. The class bell rings, I check my phone one more time before…

Samsung “Blows” Away the Competition

By Antonio Nuñez and Tino Hernandez The Samsung company has been the center of attention the past few months due to their most recent product, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Reportedly, this mobile device is dangerous and deadly. The new line of phones have supposedly been catching on fire and in extreme cases, blowing up. Approximately…

The Color Blind Artist Who Hears Color

by Jennifer Mendoza Neil Harbisson, born on the 27th of July, 1982, is a contemporary artist and cyborg activist known for being the first person in the world with an antenna implanted in his skull. This antenna uses audible vibrations to report information to him, such as measurements of electromagnetic radiation, phone calls, music, and…

All-Wheel Drive vs 4×4

by Gilbert Jaime All Wheel Drive & 4×4 The bigger the car, the more power it will need to get moving. When the people hear power, they don’t realize it’s not only the engine that’s in play, but also the drivetrain you should know about. SUVs and trucks are usually all wheel drive (AWD) or…