Thoughts on Feminism

By Ivette Barajas and Alena Tran First and second wave feminist movements are largely characterized by the right to vote, the right to equal pay, and sexual liberation. This integral beginning provided the platform for third wave feminism, which tends to be associated with more intersectionality and a reclamation and redefining of concepts such as…

The Universe

By Jocelyn You Being a seventeen-year-old heartbroken girl really got me thinking. All those thoughts that I so freely wrote on my Tumblr needed to be shared with other people who could relate or benefit from them. So here it is: the universe. It’s funny how things work out. Missing a train could lead to…

Music – An Escape

By: Ashley Parra Everyone has a way of escaping reality. Sometimes it’s reading, writing, or taking up a hobby. For many, it’s listening to music. We can usually tell how a person feels by what they’re listening to. As we walk around campus, we tend to see people with their earphones in. One of the…