How to Have a Parade in the Rain: 5 Things to Do When It Rains

By Alexyss Ortiz and Vanessa Villegas

It’s a Friday night, you’re sitting at home planning what to do with your friends but can’t do much because of the rain. You can’t plan to do anything outdoors, so you have to do something that involves staying inside your house, or going somewhere indoors. What can you do? If you’d rather stay at home, here are some things that you can do with your friends:

Have a movie marathon. You guys can spend your whole day watching your favorite movies and TV shows. Try watching movies you’ve never seen before to make the experience more fun.  


If movies don’t catch your attention, have a bake-off with your friends.You can bake your favorite desserts, cookies, or even a cake. If you’re a beginner and cooking isn’t your talent maybe singing is.


Do karaoke or even dance with your friends like nobody’s watching. No judging and just have fun, unless you do a competition to see who dances or sings better, than you better get on it.


Show appreciation for your friends and make friendship bracelets. Other than that, try enjoying the time you have with your friends. Stay warm and hear the rain pitter patter on the rooftop.


If you enjoy the rain, feel free to leave your house and head somewhere indoors for entertainment. Try something different and go a trampoline park, rock climbing or even playing laser tag. In Orange County, you can find plenty of some these activities at Round 1, Skyzone, and Boomers. There are even arcades, bowling, and roller skating places to enjoy with your friends. These activities can be just as fun as going to the beach or the park. At the end of the day, it’s about making those memories with your friends that’ll forever in your heart.

Don’t let the raining days stop you from having a good time with your friends. Who cares if it’s pouring outside because now you have ideas what you can do indoors and outdoors. Since you have all these cool plans, call up your friends and go have a crazy time during this rainy weather. Just remember there is always something fun to in any type of crazy weather!

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