It All Comes Down to Finals Week


By Karli Stichter

For the past 16 weeks, Tustin High School students pushed through the beginning of their school year. Between learning the new schedule, how teachers teach their subjects, and what the various new bell schedules are, it has been tough. Eventually everyone got into their own routine and eased into the school year.

Students learn how to study for each individual class and tackle new subjects every week or even every day. September, October, November, December, and now January is here; the month of finals. After a relaxing winter break, students return to school in full force. This is the final stretch of the semester until finals. Semester grades are very important in a student’s high school career. Most colleges diligently look at a student’s first semester grades from Freshman to Senior year to determine if they are college eligible or not, therefore making these grades critical for high school transcripts. While finals tend to stress out every student, most do not study or take proper action to develop good study habits. Studying is imperative to getting good scores on any final. Unfortunately, some students do not study simply because they don’t know how.  Listed below are links leading to study websites, and tips to studying for tests. It is important for students to take semester finals seriously, as they affect not only high school careers, but college careers as well.

Studying Tips:

While some students simply do not study, there are also students that try to study but are involved in extracurricular activities that consume their time. This list consists of ways to study smart, but also save time.

This article is short because I need to get back to studying…

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