Music Tech. Rocks Tustin High

Arts are one of the most underfunded electives in any school system. They have to fight to get funding, and even when they do, it may not be enough for new supplies. Luckily for Tustin High, Mr. Jones has stepped in and has taken over the task of Music Tech.

Music Tech is an exploratory class that allows students to use programs like GarageBand to create music digitally. In the more advanced parts of the class, students get to work with professional equipment. This opportunity is a blessing, and the students seem to really enjoy it. From the moment you walk into the class, it is dead silent. Every student is wearing headphones and listening to their compositions intently, and with big smiles on their faces while they do it. Music Tech, according to Mr. Jones, is a way for students to express themselves and experiment with music in an environment where they would not have been able to otherwise. It provides an outlet for some, a break for others, and for the exceptionally talented few, an opportunity to start a career in music.

Garrett Gruett and Cristobal Cortes tell me about what it is like to be in Music Tech. After sitting down with them, Garret immediately begins to tell me all about the programs that they use. “We use GarageBand primarily. It has a variety of instruments, but it is very adaptable.” As Garrett and Cristobal were working on a project for Mr. Jones, I noticed that they had a variety of instruments, all layered over one another. This way, they can have more than one note or chord playing at the same time. The second I left, their headphones went on and they eagerly went back to work.

Mr. Jones stated that a few former students have gone on to be in the music industry based on the amount of fun they had in his class. While it may be true that arts are underfunded, Mr. Jones makes the best of what he has and provides his students with a unique way to explore a new artistic medium. The class may not appeal to everyone, but for those who find an outlet, the feeling of completing a composition is not matched by anything else.

Music Tech is always hard at work, and we are very proud to have such talented students and an amazing teacher with us here at Tustin High. For a sample of their music, click here.


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